Monday, 5 May 2008

Blanket Stitching

The lovely green leaves have been cut out and ironed onto the quilt top. I thought this was a lovely quick process but didn't like the feel of just leaving the ironed on applique pieces on their own. With this eventually being looked at by lots of people, I decided to do blanket stitches round the edges of the leaves. This is an enormous lengthy process, but it matches some of the other embroidered stitching in the centre. I'm really pleased with the tiny heart in the middle.

The blanket stitching will take a while to do, a few days maybe weeks. This will all depend how much time I work on this piece each day, I really do not want to leave this on the UFO pile again untouched for another couple of years. This quilt top is my very first piece from years and years ago when in 1991 to 1992 a kind lady donated me the tiny hexagon middle and I just took on the task of adding more hexagons. At the time I was in bed from getting knocked down by a car with a broken leg, shoulder and arm so I needed something to keep me busy and this was the start of the patchwork and quilting interest. I had sickened myself with the hexagons so the quilt top just got folded away and put in a box not to see daylight again for quite a few years.

In my early twenties I went on a quilting holiday and took along the hexagon piece for some advice, a teacher helped me to add the border and backing. When I got home, I didn't like the colour so left it, the colours for my bedroom had changed to several shades over the years so this is also another reason why this poor quilt got left behind. With this now being a charity quilt, colours don't matter so it doesn't feel such a pain to work on anymore.

Its been a beautiful sunny day I have spent hours and hours blanket stitching, I keep saying to myself it's all good practise and a learning curve.

Hope everyone is happy having quilting fun.

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