Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Knights On Horseback?

Knights On Horseback?

I'm being a goody girl hand quilting the Tango Dreams Quilt. I thought I would write a blog and talk about why I'm writing about knights.
There is a field nearby where Scratch and Alice go for a good run, they absolutely love this field. The field is quite new owned by the Leicester Council, great for walking and exercising. Jim my partner is psychic and picks things up now and again especially from the past and time and time again when all of us have gone for a walk on the field hes mentioned about knights on horseback using the land to exercise and practice jousting.
I must admit a few times before I thought I heard horses galloping past me or felt there were horses around me though I could not see them being in the pitch black.
The lands round here were owned by one of the knights of the Templar so it could well be that hundreds of years ago knights in training did gallop round here and making their presence known. Gosh in real life it must look a scary sight can you imagine!!
I have downloaded some pictures, I'm fascinated that Jim can feel them around.

1 comment:

The Naturalist's Daughter said...

Sounds fascinating. I love all the pictures.