Blocks and Gremlins.
As you can see on the photo I have one half of the quilt top done. I still have the other half to do. This is all down to blocks mysteriously disappearing with the gremlins I call them. After counting some of the blocks waiting to be sewn together I realised that there was just one block left to sew…..(thank-goodness). This quilt top is taking me a very long time to do…. When I see all these people doing quilt tops quickly like magic… wow I envy them. I have accepted that I am one of these that take time doing quilting I cant do things quickly otherwise I would make a mess of it all.
This morning just before breakfast I thought ooh Ill just sew this block together.
Of course one block went to another, then another set of blocks went to the other lot and before I knew it the time was dinner and I still had my pyjamas on.
There was no posting on the blog at the beginning of the week as I had a foul cold for a few days. Despite the sniffles, I had a wonderful surprise come from Pam all the way from America a great surprise box of yummy fabrics, a yummy patchwork magazine and some quilting threads…THANKYOU SO MUCH PAM.
I have plenty of tiny scraps left from cut offs of the strippies so these will be great for tiny crazy patchwork pincushions and needle cases when a rainy day and stuck indoors.
Alice has a nasty cut on her shoulder, how she did this I have no idea… I know she just vanished in the dark when I let her out the front garden and noticed she was a while coming back. When I went to find her I caught her trotting back from another road so I presume she had been cat chasing and ran into to something sharp and nasty.
I'm keeping my eye on this, as lurchers and greyhounds are so slender, when ever they cut themselves its just like getting a hole or a ladder in a stocking.
Well I had better get dressed now take a break then get on with the other blocks.
I hope everyone is having quilting fun.
Wow I love that string quilt! It is coming together very nicely. Looks like someone wanted to brighten your day, eh? LOL, I'm glad you liked the box-o-treasures!
That's looking really nice Faith - keep going, you'll get there :0)
it's fine to take your time in putting together a quilt top..slow and steady wins the race or some such thing!
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