Finally I got the bright orange sheet dyed red and the odd pillow case that very nearly got thrown away but I added this to the dye bucket and very pleased with the results.
Theres still some orange to be seen but I dont mind that I love the batik look about it.
Its a gorgeous sunny day again, this afternoon Im hoping to start cutting bits with the rotary cutter following instructions from the Mc Calls Quilting magazine on one of their beautiful American styled quilts so wish me luck I have never done it this way before but looking forward to it. Meanwhile some more yummy fat quarters well be posted on its way to me also to be included in the quilt. I recommend everyone to have a go at dye-ing material its so much fun and nothing beats that feeling when you see your dyed pieces on the washing line. Now that the weather is starting to get warmer, its also a great time to dye things YIPPEE.
Beautiful fabric, you are very talented!
your blog is a beautiful garden...
love strolling here every now and then to watch your artworks... and read your words...
you are full of life... nothing can beat you... have faith Faith!
thanks for following me... letting me know you and your blog...
lots of love
Hi Faith,
I have been going through the comments on my apron blog, to make sure I've responded to everyone. It's been a while since I've checked my own blog, as I haven't bought any more aprons lately!
Thanks for leaving your comment; I've enjoyed catching up on your blog now. You are so creative - leaves me for dead! I fiddle around the edges with crazy patchwork, but I will never have time to make a whole quilt.
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