Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Happy New Year Everyone

Id like to say a belated Happy New Year to everyone, I know I have not been on here much but I hope to work on the blog more now its 2012.
Over the Christmas holidays I had been working on a needlepoint which Jim bought for me what feels like years ago. I'm now stitching the gold in some of the leaves on the needlepoint. A few days ago I got a wonderful package from my great friend Pam.
Ive been having problems with the camera so I will try and get Jim to take some photos of the Magical items Ive got from Pam, Thank you Pam you're an absolute star.
As you know I have good days and bad days with this MS. I didn't sleep at all last night as everything hurt. Thankfully the doctor has given me some tablets to help me to sleep at night and try to rest. Ive been saying to Jim I really want to write on my blog more as Ive been having a lot of those writer's block syndromes.
Back to the picture of the Needlepoint, the design is by one of my favourite designers called Candace Bahouth whos done a lot of for the fabulous Erhman Shop down in London.
I still collect books about needlework, ideas, as you know you can never get enough of what ever you want, be it threads, needles, kits even.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to go a sewing shop in Leicester that Ive not been to before, so I will let you know how it goes on and if we can find the shop.


Chris Daly said...

Happy New Year Faith. That is a lovely needle point piece. Looks like you are almost finished. I hope you are feeling better soon. Chris

JennyPennyPoppy said...

Absolutely gorgeous needlepoint. I would one day absolutely love to do one of these designs!