Sunday, 11 March 2012


Slowly slowly I have been getting a little better each day after such a whammy infection. Ive been slobbering over quilting magazines, projects with the wow factor where I thought I just know who would like there. After thinking about it for a few weeks and days now I decided that hundreds and hundreds would perhaps have those yummy quilts seen in the magazine, lets do something better, lets do something more personal even some bits Ive not done before, all experimental but using all my likes of painting, pictures for inspiration and some of my favourite quilting bits of applique.
So.... after much thought all morning as I had woken up drenched in sweat at five in
the morning and just couldn't get back to sleep. I asked Jim could he take me to the fabric guild to get some little bits of pieces that I need. The magic and surprise of the whole thing will be shown when a very special person receives this, gets the surprise, but its going to take time. I'm excited about this too and when theres that magic in creating something, it makes it worthwhile. So here are the bits and pieces, green silk for some applique, the purples shocking pinks then the marbled pinks all wowsa, what does it remind you of?. The clover applique tape in green I just had to get as its very fine and dainty and is the only way I can get some sort of stem as dainty as this, unless I embroidered this, but it wouldn't look right.
Its been a very long time since I last done a wall hanging, do you remember I did Witchy Woo, theres even some Beach Huts somewhere, and a very special piece for a Spring Swap Quilt I did that went to Australia and my goodness sometimes I think I wish I had kept this but sometimes the important and magical bit is the giving, to special friends, people and the universe, nothing beats that feeling.
Here you will see an applique book that really caught my eye and made me say I just want that book, maybe it will give me some tips here and there what to do and some ideas maybe, but Im not copying any of the designs not for this special one anyway :0).
Its an absolute gorgeous day, I watched the dawn break through the curtains and I thought how beautiful. Scruff moaned to go out and I shocked the birds in the trees with my pyjamas standing there with Scruff making sure she doesnt run away. With my hearing aid in, I noticed the birds singing and I thought just how beautiful that is too, alot of people take life for granted and too busy to notice. I did manage to clean and bleach down one side of a bench in the kitchen that badly got piled up and the bleach spray and cloths got a good working with, so Im happy. Im going to rest then get on with what I have to do. Hope you are all having quilting fun everybody.


SewIknit2 said...

goodness! I can't wait to see what you come up with now! you best get cracking! ;-)
I love your enthusiasm and it comes over in your blog!
Keep it up and write it down and share pics soon?
Sue x

Annabelle said...

Glad you are feeling up to sewing and blogging again. xx

Annabelle said...

PS Pop over to mine for giveaway - definitely not an item for scratch to lay on. xx

Mama Spark said...

You have my full attention now Faith! Can't wait to see what you come up with. I know that Witchy Woo is in a place of honor in my home. I see her and Hallie every time I leave my house! I can't imagine anyone else getting anything as special as her. I am truly blessed by your friendship!