Thursday, 14 June 2012

More Eye Progress

Ive been stitching more on the Egyptian Eye this time working on the reds. Its been slow progress as the stitching is really tiny, tent stitch, which is half a cross stitch. I'm really enjoying working on this, so who knows maybe there will be a fancy envelope to match or work on the beading, perhaps a fringe. I will have all weekend to work on this eye so hopefully will get a lot more done, hope you will like this.


dianne said...

i'll have to show this to Auntia - she LOVES whosit's eye (she has explained the eyes to me, but i don't really listen cuz i am not about to waste RAM in my brain on ancient Eygptian deities that T'ealc says are false gods ... just sayin') because it is really, really gorgeous!

dianne said...
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dianne said...

i only pushed to button once - seriously!!!

jan said...

I love this its really detailed, cant wait to see it finished.

margaret said...

I can see you are enjoying stitching this. maybe you are stitching whilst I am commenting on it, must get on with stitching myself

Susie said...

Its so striking!