I still have rotten cold and bad chest, infact it was time for me to go to the docs and get some anti-biotics for my nasty chest infection, don't things linger on frustratingly, but there's nothing you can do but just rest and let time heal what ever the problem.
Last night we tried to record just a few more lines but there was a problem with the tecno-stuff on the computer as were all still learning on home recordings. The sound engineer will turn up at the weekend to look at the tracks again. It's a gloriously hot day outside I thought to myself fancy getting chest infections on hot days like today, so at the top I put a fitting title Antibiotics and Sunshine. hey sweet caroline one of my own tracks I played on the keyboard last night, slowly it is coming together all the chord structures. Jim got the guitar out and said hey the keyboard and the guitar a complete different animal... Im more at home with the keyboard at least I dont get blisters from playing the guitar but they do sound lovely instruments when played well. I bought a Classic rock mag this morning and sad to hear that one of the guitar players from Girlschool passed away. I was amazed to hear that kelly johnson learnt signlanguage in California and worked around deaf kids. Wow that was amazing what she did and I wish she was still here today so that I could send her a demo, I'm sure she would appreciate that. Im also pleased to hear that Zakk Wilde does not have a tattoo cos I dont have any and dont intend to have any done.... fulll stop... I have enough scars on my body on life's issues in the past from getting knocked down by a car and endless injections of morphine while in hospital.
Well it's off to take the hounds outside now and just maybe, just maybe I will write some more lyrics.
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