Monday 5 November 2007

Stars In The Making 1

Stars In The Making

The time is way past one in the morning but it doesnt feel that time.

The batik sheet was pressed and the batik paint fixed with the iron.

Just like a little kid, excitement tingled all over to try the first colourdye bath for the cloth.

Using cold water dylon dye, and fixer, cold waterwas poured into the old tin tub.

Dye fixer and salt was mixed with some hot water then poured into the tub.

Pale blue dye was mixed with hot water then poured into the tub making this like one magical cauldron.

The cloth with the painted batik stars were then placed in the tub and left for two hours.

Excess dye water from the tub was poured down the sink then the cloth rinsed with loads of water, so far looking good and loving the pale blue colour.

After the cloth was dried and ironed I was pleased how the cloth was progressing.

Mixing the liquid metalic acrylic in with the batik was a good idea as it gave a little sparkly shine here and there. I loved how the pale yellow matched the pale blue.

Some photos have been taken so I hope these show okay.

The clothwork isn't over yet...... I would like to draw more stars so that these stars can be pale blue and the next colour dye lilac.

A different batik paste will be used from a company by ARTYS.


The pen which I used to draw round the shape vanished once imersed in water aspromised with the instructions, I was pleased about this, so will use this pen again to draw the next lot of stars.

Firework nights are causing alot of distress and upset for my girls.

Herbal rescue remedy has been given to them to help them relax which I think is helping them alot.

I purposely put the telly on loud and the radio to distract my dogs while the loud bangers go off.

Theres only now three strips left to sew on my mum's lapquilt and so far looking good and exciting.

1 comment:

Mama Spark said...

What a pretty color it is certainly coming along!