Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Happy New Year!!

Happy new Year Everyone, I have been busy buying paint to decorate the hallway,
Getting some lights and some paint for the living room which will be a lovely red.
The last few days I have been busy with my partner and family cooking, shopping, sorting out a muddy quagmire garden and just a little bit more knitting.
I am pleased to say that I have been writing more songs for the faith and karma album. The sound engineer had to sleep and sleep so we sat downstairs from the little home made studio and wrote some more songs, just two that we are happy with. The next test is to actually record the songs in the next few weeks and see what happens.
New Years eve I didn’t even know it was new year’s eve as I was so busy doing other things. I had cooked a nice meal for all the family then while all the fireworks were going off spent several hours nursing my poor dogs from the fright of fireworks.
Scratch and Alice ended up on the big King sized bed being cuddled and fussed while loud classical music from radio two blared out of the speakers to distract the sound of bangers which sounded like cannons being fired but even louder and with the ground
Shaking with the vibrations. I thought these fireworks were banned.
I still have not got to the thirty inches length on the smaller version of the scarf,
Sometimes my fingers and hands ached so had to rub some muscle cream in them.
I didn’t realise how many muscles you are working with when knitting with your hands and how sore they can get when you are not used to it. I did not have a problem hand quilting.
Next week the garden will have some gravel delivered. This all depends on the weather, the project will have to be postponed if snow and ice decides to make it’s way next week. I could not find a photo for today so posted a picture of Alice from our Busker video. Have fun everyone.

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