You can see here I backstitched the lettering and added some fancy ribbon round the label just to make it more fancy.
Theres just the other side of the sleeve now, which Im doing in quite a small buttonhole stitch just to make it more secure. This is taking ages to do, I have to keep having a rest and doing a bit more.
Into The Finals.
The binding has been sewn on Witchy Woo and all I have to do now is sew a three inch deep sleeve to sew on the back and make a label. I have been thinking about what to do for the label, I think what I shall do is write on white fabric then back stitch in black to make it nice. Next I will have to look for the entry forms, I know it is on bright yellow paper upstairs safely next to my bed next to all my mega quilting magazines. An email has been sent to the competition organizers for some more forms for the next exciting competitions. I have enjoyed doing Witchy Woo and Hallie so much I feel I want to do more. Luckily there is space in the hallway for when they come back.
Yesterday a small brown packet arrived through the post, with it being so small I presumed this was my hearing aid mould which had been sent from the hospital.
Fiddling around with hearing aids, tubing and plucking the mould in and out of my ears is something I hate, so left this brown small packet on the side til I was ready for the so called fumbling about. Well… I took out my hearing aid ready to get the mould out of the packet and there when I opened into the tightly sellotaped edges came out a reel of quilting thread. Me and the dogs looked at each other in surprise, the dogs wanted tit bits so they were surprised too. Inside was a little piece of paper saying congratulations you have won a cotton reel from the prize draw of Sewing World magazine. So the deep yellow gutterman quilting thread proudly found a place in my sewing box. That was a nice surprise wasn’t it!.
Friday evening we watched Joanna Lumley about the Northern Lights… absolutely fabulous I really advise you to see it I have pasted the link here. This programme is only up for a week so take a peek if you can and watch it.
Meanwhile I am sewing the label for Witchy with my name and address and when shes done I have some serious hand quilting to do as someone would like to buy one or two of my quilts which would be great as I have no money or income of my own for eleven weeks!! Until the benefits people make a decision. Were not starving we are okay but just little bit of pocket money to buy fat quarters would be nice.
So the quilting frame will come out and hard work for the next couple of days.
I'm so excited for you and Witchy Woo!! When is the actual competition?
Wow, it looks fantastic! I love the lable too. Congrats on the cotton, what a good surprise.
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