The weather is absolutely gorgeous out there warm sunshine, perfect to dry my washed out finds from a car boot sale over the road. I had been collecting cotton fabric towards the stripy squares that I'm doing at the moment. I spent all day yesterday cutting out strips and working with Zola the sewing machine. I have never done strips before on the sewing machine so this is all new to me. My first square was not so good as I had to realise and learn from experience to leave plenty over the edges of the square so that when the right times comes they can be trimmed with the rotary cutter and grid ruler when I can find them. This is where my super fella Jim comes in, I have problems pressing down and slicing with the rotary cutter at the same time with this darn MS I have so Jim mainly does the strips for me when they need cutting. I have done mega log cabins funnily enough but never these. I'm enjoying doing this. I have to rest for the afternoon as my body is protesting so I have to listen, rest then do a bit more later and I cant wait. Hopefully by then the washing will have dried so that I can iron them and cut them up. I do get some funny looks when I mention I'm only cutting them up towards patchwork quilts. I mention I don’t have babies or a size 8 figure ooh I only wish hee hee. The most expensive buy for today was a cotton paisley blouse for about a pound. I just had to have the blouse towards patchwork of course as the pattern was beautiful and amongst the colour theme of pastels and not too bright colours, just perfect. I mentioned to Jim I hope I have enough fabrics and this was met with a groan..
“I'm sure you have enough scattered all round the house!”
Men don’t understand when you wake up in the middle of the night thinking , now do I have enough yellow? And quilt thoughts, colours have to match, themes have to match don’t they. Yes you all understand about patchwork and fabric fetishes as Jim calls them.
You're right, men don't understand the need for the right shade of colour. Mine is getting a bit better but he'll never be fully trained I'm afraid.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I have also purchased clothes to chop up as well. Sometimes the fabric design is just to good to be left as an article of clothing when it can look so much better in a quilt. You can never have too much fabric...
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