Hi There I have not forgotten everyone, just that my MS has reared its ugly head again making things difficult and things so slow. My legs feel weak and heavy and it has been a job to get around. I have been using my walking stick and crutches to get around and using the dog lead to place under my leg and lift this heavy leg to the next step on the stairs. Ive to sew a thick border of blue about 25 inches thick for round the edge of the backing for the C quilt. I'm thankful Jim is here for the next few days as I'm going to ask Jim to give me a hand with this basting (roughly tacking the whole three layers together which is the backing the wadding and the front) All this weighs a ton so some extra help is grateful. Last night we watched an episode of Merlin then after that a historical drama based around the civil war of King Charles the 1st called The Devil’s Whore. Other places around England have snow after reading the news but at the moment we have freezing cold lashing rain pounding at the windows while I write this. All the hounds and humans are still snoozing away. More bags have been sorted out with yet more things going up in the attic and more clothes to put away in the cupboards and wardrobe its amazing where things breed from, I managed to iron all the backing sheets for the quilts and this took ages to do but it will be worth it.
I'm I going to get this quilt done for Christmas? I don’t know I keep plodding on.
I'm I going to get this quilt done for Christmas? I don’t know I keep plodding on.
This is the middle of the C quilt with a huge white border round the edge.
I love this quilt, Faith. Can't wait to see it finished. Keep up the good work!
this top is so nice...good luck with getting it basted.
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