Yummy Goodies Which I Bought With My Birthday Money

Me Delving Into Fabric Magic

This Folk Art Picture Won First Prize and was !st In A Row Of Three.
Me With Witchy Woo And Hallie

The Malvern Quiltshow Trip
My birthday treat of going to the Malvern Quilt Show finally happened and what a lovely treat it was.
On the Saturday morning we got up at six in the morning to make sure we had plenty of time to travel in case we got lost in any marooned village somewhere. The journey in the car took about two hours, not bad going at all. Luckily the weather stayed fine but it was extremely cold, I just wanted to wear lots of layers of socks and my thick cardigan making me look like a granny witch but who cares, the main thing is to be warm.
I have never been to the Malvern hills before so it was lovely to see the view and the hills so high that reminded me of the lake district and Scotland. When we drove into the grounds where the exhibition took place there were loads of showing paddocks and stables, absolutely loads of them. Obviously this is the place where the farmers come to show their prized stock in the summer and all horses galore show jumping and showing in hand. I had quick visions of quilt stalls out in the open air with products weighted down with stones and my witchy woo wall hanging flapping in the wind when I saw these paddocks, thankfully that wasn’t to be. I was relieved to see a hall into the warm sheltering from the bitter cold of the valley. We were the first ones there as we arrived at quarter past nine in the morning but the show didn’t open til ten.
It was all exciting though, I was like a kid on Christmas morning that exciting buzz going round the head when you see lovely things and woo quilters galore on fabrics after fabrics for sale, lots of stalls, books quilts, a few demonstrators.
My sister and my mum gave me some money for my birthday so I treated myself some fat quarters towards my magic coat which is in the very slow process of being made. I needed loads of wadding for my numerous projects and some wadding for my sweeties waistcoat. I got a pencil fabric marker that looked the trendy thing to have but I could not find the special clover applique iron that I wanted. Apparently the firm have stopped making them, what a pity as they always sold out. I could not find the iron on fusible wadding so made do with buying normal wadding instead which called for lots of staple things for the basting gun that I have.
All the quilts on display were wonderful I loved the ones done with fabric paint and applique. My dear Jim has taken some pictures of these for me, so hopefully these will show OK. I just loved seeing the whole cloth quilts they always touch me as I just love the stitching and love hand quilting myself. There were no whimsical Beninas in those days everything simple and done by hand and fabrics what ever they had available at the time. I went to find Witchy Woo and Hallie the cat and there they were at the end I was so pleased to see them. I swore blind Witchy waved at me and Hallie The Cat me-owed at me. I was a tad little disappointed that they didn’t win anything. The first folk art quilt at the beginning of the row image won the prize good for her… who ever did this but it didn’t do anything for me. I suppose this won because is was folk art, very plain very basic and to me….mm mm a bit boring but judges are judges they all have different tastes. I have to think of it this way at least we got accepted and a chance to be displayed.
Once my purse was empty and my dearie laden up with bags that he could carry no more it was time to go home. By one in the afternoon I was very very tired and my legs started to hurt so we hopped in the car and made the journey home. Groan…. This took longer as we got lost on the masses of spaghetti junctions of motorway nightmares in Birmingham but we made it home arrhhh at last. The weather just turned bleaker getting more colder with freezing temperatures and rain that stun you in the temples and forehead. I will take a photo of my bought treasures. I'm not showing everything as some little treasures are surprises for some that look on my blog. I bought a new clip quilting frame and more magical threads to use on the sun waistcoats. Jim bought me some yummy fabrics to line the inside of my magic coat and some gorgeous blue that will go on the back of the waistcoat of Jim’s and towards the Star, Suns and Moon quilt that is so patiently waiting to be made up.
I will be showing more pictures over the next couple of days as we have taken loads and loads of pictures.
Hi Faith,
You clearly enjoyed yourself as much as I did by the looks of your new stash! It is tiring on the old legs though that's for certain. Yes I did see Witchy Woo - is she someone you know then?
Wow, Faith, what a trip! How nice to have had such an adventure for your birthday! I wish I could have been there to see Witchy Woo and Hallie. Although I do see Miss Hallie every day! She does say "Meow" to you. I can't wait to see the rest of your pictures.
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