
I'm back home again now in Leicester and hopefully wont have to dash anywhere again for quite a while. My dad is looking very well and fine again. My mum wanted me to stay and help her with some dress making so for about two weeks my mum got me doing what I could, sewing with the machine on areas not too fiddly, tacking and tying off ends. It was very hard work, a bit like a crash course on dress making but patchwork and quilting will always... ALWAYS come first before dressmaking.
I have never been good at dressmaking mainly because mum always used to send me back and say untack the stitches. This dented my confidence big time, so much so that I never touched dressmaking items ever again.... hee hee as much as I could help it.
Anyway I'm back home now and it feels great, I have taken loads of pictures of my mums favourite shop in Sheffield where there are these gorgeous hand made crafts and rugs, needlework all the way from Kashmir between India and Pakistan. The photos help to give me inspiration for my sketchbooks and quilt, embroidery ideas. At the moment I'm showing you some puppets, aren't they lovely!!!
I have got my address for my Mini Quilt Swap Partner now, and now that I can do what I want, make as much mess as I want I can get on with that now.
Hope you will all enjoy looking at the pictures and that they will give you inspiration too.
1 comment:
All I have to do is quilt and bind my Spring Blossom swap item, and send it off! I'm hoping to get to it over the weekend!
Must be good to be home again, huh? Even when you have a nice visit somewhere else, it always feels good to come home. Glad your Father is doing better.
The puppets are cute! Hope you will post some of the other inspiring pics you took!
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