Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The New Pfaff

Well finally I will be getting my Pfaff quilt machine soon. On my wall as well as
my favourite little paintings I had a picture of my dream machine that I had been cosmic ordering for, for about four years and more. Part of me feel really excited and the other part of me feels naughty for spending so much on a machine, but it will be worth it. The new sewing machine will help me to finish off quite a few quilts and have fun again to get things done in the quilt world. Hand quilting is very nice but it can take ages and ages, sometimes getting you a little fed up.
Jim said that he wants a keyboard cover, a bass guitar cover and where is that quilt that Jim had wanted for his bed where he spent fortunes on the material?. Well, its somewhere in the attic and hopefully I will be able to post about my experiences and how things turn out. At the moment at least the weather is behaving itself with no snow and ice but its still cold. I noticed how nice the light was as the sun shone through the window where on that strong table the sewing machine will live.
Hope you're all having fun stitching. When Ive taken the dogs out I'm going to embroider a set of cards for someone very special on here for the long overdo Christmas box, almost everything is handmade so things take time.
Bless you all, see you again soon x.


Annabelle said...

Lucky, lucky you. Love your new header - the quilt is stunning. xx

SewIknit2 said...

I can't wait for you to get your new machine, never mind YOU can't wait! ha! I hear great reviews on "faffing machines" from pals who have this brand - does yours have a built in "walking foot" feature?
Happy quilting!
Sue x

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is wonderful! I hope you have lots of good time working and "playing" with you new machine! You are going to love it I am sure!

About 5 years ago my Viking machine broke down! In a rash moment I went out and got myself a mid-price Singer. I have regretted it ever since.