Sunday, 8 April 2012

Happy Easter Everyone

At the moment I'm hand quilting the hexagons, Ive got about another five circles left to hand quilt.
The Rainbow pouch has worked out really well, I have posted you some pictures so that you can see what I've done and get a rough idea just how easy they are to do. You can do what ever you want on the leaf design. I used fabric paint on some old sheeting and just sewn loads and loads of french knots in embroidery threads.
If I make some more of these I will work on proper cotton material. On this pouch the sheeting was cotton plus polyester. I wasn't too happy that the fabric paint didn't go on as well but as this was an experiment, but Ive got a few tips from doing this.
This was the time consuming bit, when I didn't need to concentrate much or just a little bit tired sat in front of the telly, random french knotting was ideal.
I used gold material for the inside of the pouch. When messing about with fabric glue, I have learnt that its better to leave well alone to dry and place under some really heavy books to dry, to stop them warping. I hope all of you are having a nice Easter and manage to do something creative.

1 comment:

JennyPennyPoppy said...

Nice explanation and pictures:)