Sunday, 15 April 2012


Well finally I have managed to take a photo of the pouch, they are easy to do and fun to play with.
My rubber thimble from the company Clover lives in this little pouch. I'm very pleased with this I shall definitely do some more in the future. As I don't need any more hexagons for my coat, Ive been using the spare left over hexagons to make into little bags. On the bags I appliqued the moon using gold material. The moons were not easy to do, I used the fabulous wash away applique paper by the company C&T which lovely Pam from (Mammasparks) had sent me. The left over hexagons will be opened up and used as leaves in another quilting project, so Ive got lots of ideas already brewing in the mind. I'm sewing beads round the edges of the bags at the moment which is fun. Ive been using the inside of a shoebox lid which makes it easier to see the beads with the lids being white. While watching the Grand National on TV I was carefully sewing on the beads and trying to keep the four dogs away from jumping on the box. So its all been fun fun fun here.
  1. I hope you're all having a great weekend and getting some creativity done even if its just thinking about it.


Mama Spark said...

The pouch is beautiful! Love your little bags too.

rubyslipperz1052 said...

Your little pouch is soo pretty. I LUV the colors. What size is it? or did I miss reading that? =)

What a great idea for left over quilt works...pretty little bags!

that is a really beautiful quilt on your banner too! The colors are awesome.

=)new follower =)

JennyPennyPoppy said...

Your rainbow pouch looks fabulous! Love all those french knots :)